Physical Rehabilitation & Prevention in Sports Injuries

Coppell Chiropractor and Physical TherapySport Injuries, including knee injuries, shoulder injuries and even ankle injuries tend to occur in sporting activities. Professional athletes in particular, are prone to injuries due to the excessive wear and tear associated with the demands of competitive sports. The right exercise program to maintain strength, flexibility and stability can help athletes recover quickly after an injury, empowering them to resume athletic activities.

Sports injuries, by definition, include injuries involving the musculo-skeletal system. The musculo-skeletal system includes the bones, tissues, muscles, and cartilage. Every injury is different and every person heals differently. The purpose of rehabilitation is to help the injured tissues recover in a controlled and supervised manner. It takes time for an injury to heal, and it’s best to seek the guidance of an experienced Core Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Specialist during this time.

Our Core Rehab Specialists can design a safe and effective recovery program specifically geared towards your individual injury, abilities and goals. Our specialists can identify the cause of the injury, create a treatment plan and also teach preventative measures of further injury in the future.

Some of the most common sports injuries include sprains, strains, shin splints and knee injuries. If you or someone you know is injured, schedule an evaluation with a rehab specialist as quickly as possible.

87491248Core Physical Medicine Rehabilitation – The Right Choice

Our Core Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Specialists are healthcare professionals with extensive training in the musculo-skeletal system. Our specialists can work closely with you to assess muscle imbalance, range of motion and functional requirements of that particular sport.

For example, a baseball pitcher may need a shoulder stabilization program; while a basketball player may need a speed and plyometric (explosive strength) training program. Our Rehab Specialists can evaluate, identify, and plan a sport-specific injury prevention and (once the injury is treated) an athletic performance program that can help the athlete regain full potential.

As part of the exercise therapy program, your rehab specialist can teach stretches and exercises; often using special equipment to reach specific goals. Rehab focuses on reducing pain and improving function as quickly as possible. Rest is an important part of the recovery process. Rest, combined with physical rehabilitation, is the best recipe for recovery after being injured.

Don’t Wait For an Injury…

An injury is the last thing an you want. Without properly rehabilitation, the damage can get worse. Physical rehab will help you heal and return to normal. In many cases, rehab can also help to strengthen a particular areas to avoid future injuries.

Taking the time to go through a safe, effective and comprehensive rehab program requires time and patience, but it’s the best way for you to resume and continue your sport or activity. It’s a great way to come back to the sport you love and enjoy it, while minimizing the likelihood of re-injury.

If you or someone you know is an athlete, or just needs to get back on the “playing field”, consider working one of our other Rehab Specialists at Core Physical Medicine. In fact, you don’t have to wait till you are injured, because a Rehabilitation Specialist can help you improve performance and minimize injury.

A preventive, proactive approach is likely to help you even more. Don’t wait till you get injured. There is a lot that a our Core Rehab Specialists can do. We can design the right program and get you great results, whether its athletic enhancement or recovery from an injury.

Our Core Rehab Specialists assess and develop safe and effective physical rehabilitation exercises and conditioning programs for clients with cardiovascular, musculo-skeletal, neurological and metabolic disorders. Contact us today for more information.

Your Workout Injury Prevention Plan

Can you relate to this scenario? After putting it off for too long, you commit to get fit—only to find yourself injured the minute you start working out.

All of the sudden your fitness goals go back on the shelf and you are left to deal with the pain.

Whether your injury occurs right off the bat or after years of regular workouts the result is always the same. It is discouraging, painful and downright depressing.

And since studies suggest that up to 38% of all exercisers suffer from an injury each year, it is a subject worth exploring.

Top 3 Workout Injuries
The following three ailments occur commonly among active people. Let’s explore the cause of each and then detail your very own injury prevention plan—because let’s face it, you simply don’t have time to spend nursing and injury (and losing all that progress you had made).

1. Strain / Pulled Muscle: occurs when a tendon (connects muscle to bone) or muscle is stretched or torn. If you suffer from a strain you will feel pain and swelling in the muscle belly, or loss of function if the strain occurred in a tendon. Many strains occur as the result of an improper warm-up and insufficient stretching.

2. Sprain: occurs when a ligament (connects bone to bone) is stretched or torn. While this can happen to any ligament in your body, the most common placements of sprains are in the ankle, wrist and knee. Often this injury will happen suddenly as the ligament is stretched beyond its normal limit, usually during a fall or other acute trauma.

3. Low Back Pain: it is said that 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives—and the list of causes is as diverse as the sufferers themselves. Here are the main reasons for workout related back pain:

  • Improper form: Similar to bad posture, using improper form while performing weight bearing exercises will leave your back sore and aching. The good news is that once your form is corrected this pain should subside after a healing period.
  • Weak muscles: If you have a desk job then chances are your deep back muscles are inactive and unconditioned. When you start an exercise program, but fail to properly strengthen these muscles, the result is often an aching back.
  • Strained muscles: Not to pick on that desk job, but another result of sitting all day is tight back muscles. When these muscles are not properly warmed up and stretched before exercise begins, muscle strains occur.

Your 5-Step Injury Prevention Plan
Injuries don’t have to slow you from meeting your fitness goals. The following 5 steps will dramatically reduce your chance of injury and if you do find yourself injured, but have been following these 5 steps, your recovery will be quick and efficient.

Step 1: Stretch
What is more boring than stretching? You want to exercise, not sit around touching your toes—right? Even though it isn’t exciting, stretching is the best way to increase muscle elasticity and durability. Tight muscles are big contributors to strains—remember? Take the time to stretch everyday before and after your workout to stave off injury.

Step 2: Warm Up
Preparing for your workout should not begin and end with putting on your gym clothes. Your muscles need to be coaxed into motion by way of a 10-15 minute warm up in order to prepare them for injury-free use. Cold muscles are less elastic and are therefore more prone to tears.

Step 3: Proper Gear
For most fitness enthusiasts proper gear has everything to do with their shoes. Don’t be fooled—not just any shoe will do. Find shoes that offer support and traction for your exercise of choice, and make sure that they aren’t too tight or too loose. If you are prone to ankle injuries then try a pair of high-tops for extra support.

Step 4: Lifestyle
Stop for a moment and think about your car—if you don’t maintain it with regular tune ups, oil changes and quality fuel then you can’t expect it to perform well on the road. The same applies to your body. Getting healthy amounts of sleep, eating well balanced meals and staying hydrated will all contribute to your performance during exercise. The healthier your lifestyle is the less likely you are to suffer an injury.

Step 5: Condition
This may seem like the most obvious step to injury prevention, but unfortunately it is the most overlooked. People who keep their bodies in top condition by exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are the least likely to injure themselves. When exercise programs are started and stopped sporadically your muscles are most likely to become injured.

Of course being conditioned also has another great benefit that everyone enjoys – you get to look and feel great! And who doesn’t what that, right?

If you’ve ever tried to rehab an injury or continue your post-rehab programming on your own and didn’t succeed, I feel your pain. Until now, trying to bridge the gap between your healthcare and fitness on your own has been difficult.

The best option? Core Physical Medicine! Our goal is to help you achieve a healthier life. We believe that being healthy is more than just the absence of pain. True health is having the ability to do what you need and want to do. We have helped hundreds of patients regain their quality of life and would love to include you on our list of successes.

Wouldn’t you love to see awesome results before this summer comes to an end? Simply contact us today to get started. It’s time to take action and get the results that you deserve!

Core Stabilization Training


Dear Patient/Friend,

dr_steveHealth Care is changing. There is no denying that decisions made in 2010 regarding patient care will impact every United States citizen. In the spirit of this change, we are now CORE PHYSICAL MEDICINE. To facilitate our integrative, multi-disciplinary model, we have added Oscar Molina, M.D. as our new Medial Director in Coppell, Flower Mound and Keller. Dr. Molina brings 14 years of experience in the treatment of sports injuries to the CORE team. At our Irving location, our affiliation with Tiena Health continues to remain strong. Further, we will be in-housing specialists such as orthopedic/neurosurgeons, podiatrists, and pain doctors for convenient access and a collective approach to your health.

In this quarterly newsletter, one will see a spotlight on our Keller location and one of our professional athlete patients. Read a great article written by Will Benton, our Director of Exercise Physiology, to get a better understanding of what Core muscle integrity is and its importance. Lastly, in staying current, we are now on Facebook. Click below to become a fan and stay up to date on all of our happenings.

Much has changed since we opened in 1996, but one thing has not: personal service. As always, our team is ready to assist in your diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. I invite your feedback at and wish you health and happiness. Cheers.


Dr. Stephen M. Ward

Core Stabilization Training

By: Will Benton, Director of Exercise Physiology

What is the “Core”? The core is a term loosely tossed around that most people have grown familiar with if they have spent much time in a gym, or any other type of fitness environment. The most common meaning in this setting is no more than a simple abdominal crunch, or a low back extension. Normally, a focus on this area is viewed as a fast track to reaching their New Year resolution of six pack abs or a flat stomach. But the benefits of exercising the core extend far beyond reaching the desired “summer body”.

According to Dr. Jeffery Willardson, in his article “Core Stability for Athletes”, “The core of the body is a term used to refer to the trunk or more specifically the lumbopelvic region. Several muscles attach to the lumbar spine or pelvis and may function as stabilizers or prime movers depending on the nature of the task being performed.” The core is responsible for stabilization of the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle and creates a solid base of support for the body. The muscles this includes are the rectus abdominis, transversus/internal oblique abdominis, external oblique abdominis, the multifidus, and erector spinae.

When looking at how the body functions, one must understand that all parts are connected to something else directly as well as indirectly. When one movement is made, it can affect another area. This is sometimes referred to as a kinetic link or chain. The muscles of the core are what allow all areas of the body to function in sync with one another by setting the frame for good posture, good balance and coordination of movement. Many professionals in the fitness and medical communities conclude that improving the strength of the core sets the foundation to build a healthy, stable and functional body.

When looking at the complete function of the core, we know that it is engaged in just about everything that a person does. This can stretch from the more active example of swimming or swinging a golf club to the most simple of tasks like sitting down or standing up. For the more athletic individual, core training can be catered to aid in the transfer of kinetic energy though the body with motions like throwing or kicking, with less stress placed on the muscles, joints, and connective tissues of the arm (or leg) in order to maintain a high velocity. This type of enhancement is normally done by mimicking the specific movement the athlete must perform. Most common, are free standing exercises done with resistance held in one hand or on one side of the body (know as unilateral). Many of these exercises are also done on unstable surfaces such as stability balls, wobble boards, BOSU balls, and in some cases with only one leg on the ground. By training in this manner the athlete will grow stronger in several planes of motion such as frontal, transverse, and diagonal. These same tactics in exercise have also proven to be extremely effective for building and maintaining a strong and healthy musculoskeletal system for the average person that doesn’t have a desire to participate in a high intensity sport or activity.

Roughly two-thirds of all doctor visits in the United States are based on complaints of aches and pain in the joints or muscles. The most common of these complaints is pain in the low back, or lumbar region of the spine. The cause for this in most cases is normally attributed to weakness of the core musculature which leads to general joint instability in the trunk and pelvic regions of the body.

When looking for a long term solution for this issue one must look to core training as the most effective means of stabilizing the joint or joints. Studies have shown that using the same tactics that professional athletes employ to grow stronger in several planes of motion are also highly effective in treating an unstable low back. This lessens the stress on the joints of both the upper and lower extremities caused by day to day activities. In the physical medicine community it is common knowledge that as one is placed on an unstable surface the degree of core muscle activity is increased proportionately. As the muscles of the core increase in strength through proper technique and a consistent routine, the posture of the individual will begin to improve and lead to less stress placed on the spine. According to Dr. Michael Schnappauf, co-owner of Core Physical Medicine, “the foundation of any shoulder, hip or back rehabilitation protocol starts with strengthening the core.”

So whether your goals are in high intensity athletic competition, getting that perfect summer body or just decreasing the potential risk and pain associated with the joints or muscles caused by normal day to day activities; core stabilization training is the right choice to make. For more information or to learn the right core exercise or program for you, please contact or visit one of the four Core Physical Medicine offices. A Core Exercise Physiologist will be able to advise the best plan of action for reaching you goal. For the patients seeking advice or care in Coppell see Will, for Keller ask for Dan, for Flower Mound contact Matt, and for Las Colinas reach Ryan.


Patient Spotlight

Nathan Chandler
Former Quarterback for Southlake Carroll, University of Iowa, and Buffalo Bills

Q: Mr. Chandler how did you hear about Core?

A: I got to know Dr. Deevers through church and sports. Through conversation he told me he was the Clinic Director of Core Physical Medicine in Keller and that led us to talking sports, and some of our previous sports injuries.

Q: So, you have experienced some sports related injuries?

A: Many, but specifically, from throwing a football for so many years. It led to my shoulder wearing out, becoming weak, and in need of treatment and rehab. Dr. Deevers looked at my shoulder, did a comprehensive exam, reviewed the extent of my shoulder damage on the MRI and referred me to Dr. Kevin Meister of the Texas Rangers for an orthoscopic consultation.

Q: What is the status of your shoulder now?

A: Thanks to Dr. Deevers understanding of the extent of my shoulder problem and the appropriate referral, I had orthoscopic surgery on my right shoulder. Everything went well and I followed up with full rehabilitation of my shoulder with Dr. Deevers at Core. My shoulder is stronger, more stable, and my range of motion is better every day.

Q: How has your experience been with Core Physical Medicine?

A: It has been excellent. It’s not that I throw a football competitively anymore, but I want to be able to do the simple things like play with my 2 boys, and continue playing sports like football, softball, and basketball without limitation. You take those things for granted until you are limited and can’t do the routine things like put on a shirt, much less throw a football. If it hadn’t been for Dr. Deevers, Dan, and Bailey at Core I would probably be still experiencing pain and this loss of function. I am very grateful to them and their very thorough approach to detail with me, and I know with all of their patients.

Q: Would you recommend Core Physical Medicine to those you know or to those who have experienced a similar condition?

A: Absolutely! It’s been a great experience for me and I know that others could and will benefit greatly from the guys at Core.

Meet Dr. Robbie Deevers

Dr. Deevers received his degree in Anatomy and then his Doctorate in Chiropractic in 2008.

Drawing his experiences as a professional baseball player, Dr. Deevers specializes in the examination and treatment of biomechanical and musculoskeletal disorders. He emphasizes a comprehensive approach concerned primarily with restoration of function to the individual, rather than just elimination of symptoms.

Dr. Deevers enjoys competing in sports, fishing, hunting, and traveling. Living in Keller, Texas with his wife, daughter, and son, Dr. Deevers and his family are active in their local church.

Dan Ostrowski

– Enjoys training and competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
– Has his black belt in Tae Kwon Do
– COOPER Institute Certified
– Personal trainer, Biomechanics, and Optimal Performance certified
– Enjoys teaching boot camps

Happy Holidays!


Comments, questions, suggestions…please feel free to contact us directly at any time.
We are here for you.

Dr. Stephen Ward
Dr. Michael Schnappauf

Tel: 972.393.8067
Fax: 972.393.6959

A Winning Recipe

Coming this fall…

The staff of Core Physical Medicine would like to thank everyone that joined us at our grand opening celebration, on October 30, 2008. It was wonderful to see such a great show of support from so many of our friends, patients, and colleagues. For those that were unable to make it, feel free to come by anytime for a personal tour of the new facility with Dr. Brown and staff. Find pictures of the celebration here!

A Winning Recipe

What do you get when you combine a diagnosis driven sports medicine office with new-age exercise physiology and rehab protocols? The answer: CORE  PHYSICAL MEDICINE .

Since 1996, CORE PHYSICAL MEDICINE has been a leader in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. With four offices in Coppell, Irving/Las Colinas, Ft. Worth, and Keller, the CORE group has a major presence in the DFW metroplex. What is the special ingredient to this recipe for success? Dr. Stephen Ward, one of Core’s owners, states, “What makes us different is our multidisciplinary approach. We have six doctors of Chiropractic, and the heart of our rehab, our exercise physiologists.” In fact, every doctor in the CORE group has an undergraduate degree in exercise science. Dr. Michael Schnappauf co-owner, adds, “Our exercise physiologists have worked in both the fitness industry, as well as, outpatient environments, allowing them a unique perspective in improving functionality and performance!”


Torie Dacus

Exercise Physiologist – Keller Office
– University of Texas at Arlington graduate
– Former division 1 Volleyball Athlete at UTA
– Loves being outside
– Enjoys teaching a healthier way to live…and shopping of course!!!


Jovan “The Coach” Johnson

Jovan is currently the Metabolic Specialist at Life Time Fitness in Flower Mound. He holds numerous certifications including Cooper’s PFT, Post & Pre-Natal, N.A.S.M.’s, CPT & P.E.S., and continues his education in keeping with the cutting edge of personal training. Jovan’s secondary passion is boxing. He eventually plans on starting his own in-home affordable Personal Training business under the title of Jovan’s Body Works.

Quotes from Jovan:
“You want to get a skill or a trade that you’ll love to do so much that you’ll do it for free!” this belief inspired Jovan to choose the profession of helping others achieve their fitness goals.
“Exercise is like brushing your teeth, you may skip one day but never two.”


Patient Spotlight

Jordan Schilling

Jordan graduated from Coppell High School and played volleyball there for 4 years. She’s currently a sophomore at Abilene Christian and is starting middle blocker for the team. They are currently tied for 3rd in the LoneStar Conference as they head into the conference tournament.

ACU rolls to 9-0 with 3-0 win

SAN ANTONIO — The ACU Wildcats continued their hot start to the 2008 season Thursday night with a 3-0 win over St. Mary’s in the Texas MedClinic Regional Crossover Tournament at Greehey Arena on the St. Mary’s campus.

The Wildcats knocked off the Lady Rattlers, 25-18, 25-21, 25-21, to improve to 9-0 on the season. ACU is off to the second-best start in program history and needs just three more wins to tie the school-record 12-0 start of the 1991 Wildcat team. ACU will have a chance to improve to 10-0 on the season Friday at 12:30 p.m. when the Wildcats take on Incarnate Word in its final match of the tournament. ACU was scheduled to have also played St. Edward’s during its weekend in Central Texas, but the tournament was cut short because of the impending arrival of Hurricane Ike.

ACU’s trio of young standouts (Jordan Schilling, Jennie Hutt and Ijeoma Moronu) led the Wildcat effort as Schilling finished with a match-high 11 kills, Hutt added eight kills, and Moronu had 35 assists, three kills and 10 assists. Hutt — named the Lone Star Conference Offensive Player of the Week on Tuesday — had two service aces, four digs and three blocks in the match.

But it was Schilling who was the Wildcats’ standout Thursday as she hit .417 (11 kills on 24 attacks) and had four digs and two blocks of her own. Shawna Hines — who leads the LSC in total blocks with 36 — had four blocks to go along with six kills in the match.

ACU hit .241 in the three-set sweep, while the Lady Rattlers hit .079 and were out-blocked 8-2 by the Wildcats.


Happy Holidays!


Comments, questions, suggestions…please feel free to contact us directly at any time.
We are here for you.

Dr. Stephen Ward
Dr. Michael Schnappauf

Tel: 972.393.8067
Fax: 972.393.6959

Mechanical Stress

Coming this fall…

We are extremely pleased to announce that our Flower Mound location is expanding!

We are very excited about our new facility that is currently under construction. The new office, located at 3400 Long Prarie Road, will feature over 2200 square feet of improved office and rehabilitation space. Further, we’ve brought Charlie Peters, BS over from our Las Colinas office to run the rehab department. Read more about Charlie in our “Meet the Exercise Physiologists” section below. A huge grand opening celebration is planned shortly after our proposed October 1, 2008 start date. Details and invitation will follow.

We look forward to serving you at our new home in Flower Mound!


More Big News!

CORE Chiropractic & Physical Therapy has just been named “Best Chiropractor in Coppell/Valley Ranch” by the readers of Neighbors Go newspaper for 2008. To see more winners visit their website here.

Meet the Exercise Physiologists

At CORE Chiropractic, our exercise physiology staff has over 20 years of combined experience in biomechanics of the human body and injury specific rehabilitation. Meet our CORE certified exercise physiology staff:

Charlie Peters – Flower Mound
– University of North Texas graduate
– Educated under Tom Purvis in Oklahama City in biomechanics
– Former competitive body builder
– Enjoys racing motorcycles
– Club DJ
– Likes working out

Will Benton – Coppell
– Cooper, NASM, NBFE, PTPT certifications
– Adrenaline junkie
– Likes to travel
– Enjoys trying new workout methods


Ryan Nix – Las Colinas
– Currently pursuing a kinesiology degree at the University of North Texas
– Loves and plays soccer daily
– Plays music/guitar as a hobby
– Loves working out and helping people


Patient Spotlight

Julie Iniestra


Fernando Iniestra
USPTA Certified Member Tennis Pro
– Former Olympic Medalist
– GOLD MEDAL XI Panamerican Games in La Havana Cuba 1991
– GOLD MEDAL in the World Mondial of Pelota Vasca ( San Juan de Luz France 1995)
– GOLD MEDAL XII Panamericans Games in Argentiana, Buenos Aires en 1994
– SILVER MEDAL XII Panamericans Games in Argentina, Buenos Aires en 1994

Mechanical Stress

by Dr. Brian Nimphius

Exercising is vital to the health of the human body, but is there a point where we can actually be causing damage to the body because of the exercise we are doing? Can we place too much stress on the body and cause it to fail instead of grow stronger? The more we exercise the more equipped the body is to adapt to the stress of exercise. This adaptation to the stress of exercise will cause the muscles to become leaner and more efficient movers. The leaner a muscle becomes the healthier it becomes. A healthy muscle will not be injured as often as an unhealthy muscle. The human body needs daily physical exertion to be as healthy, strong and fit as possible. The most popular way to increase your muscle strength is through a resistance training program, which is commonly called weight training or weightlifting.

Exercise programs are designed around the “overload principle”. This principle states that a system or tissue must be exercised at a level beyond which it is presently accustomed in order for a training effect to occur. A training effect is the result of the muscles adaptation to the stresses placed upon it. The training effect is specific to the muscle fibers depending on the activity performed. This means the human body will adapt to whatever stresses are placed upon it. It also means the training effect can and will be different depending on how you exercise.

The reality of most weight lifting programs is that they have focused on increasing the weight at the expense of the number of repetitions. The result of this is an influx of people who have grown up thinking their heavy weight lifting has given them strong muscles. In reality what happened was a breakdown in form, a gradual decrease in joint stability and biomechanics. When the mechanics breakdown a host of injuries can and will occur due to the increased stress placed on the joints. People take for granted the amount of stress that is placed on the joints when they are doing a resistance workout.

Focusing on the stress placed on the joints being moved during resistance training is vital to a person’s ability to exercise over the long term. The more weight that is lifted means greater stresses placed on the joint. This stress leads to frequent injuries and more time away from being able to train and workout. If two bones are not tracking properly at the joint then that joint’s ability to resist force will decrease. The decreased ability of a joint to resist force will lead to that joint failing, causing an injury. Minimizing joint stresses is one reason why it is very important that all your joints be able to move properly through there normal range of motion. It is very easy to tell if your elbow or knee joints are tracking properly, but the joints of the spine are much more complex and constantly overlooked in terms of there importance to the muscular system.

Take for example a 170-lb person performing a straight legged dead lift with 200-lbs. If you take the forces of the weight and the weight of the upper body the contraction of the postural muscles of the spine will generate a theoretical force of 2071-lbs at the lumbosacral disc. Compensational mechanisms from the upper torso will reduce this force to 1483-lbs of force on the lumbosacral disc. This is an incredible amount of stress to be placed on a small surface area. Such stresses are the reason why we have chronic and serious injuries to the low back. Therefore, the need for proper joint mechanics and lifting technique are paramount. If your torso and upper back vertebrae are not tracking properly, then they will not be able to provide the proper compensational forces to help off set the stress placed on the lumbosacral disc.

If your lumbosacral joint mechanics are not 100% and you are doing a lot of bending or lifting then the forces placed on the lower back will lead to musculoskeletal injuries and tremendous low back pain. You may not be doing a lot of heavy dead lifts, but you may be picking up your kids all day long, folding clothes or working in the yard bending and stooping all afternoon. These routine activities will lead to low back pain if your joint mechanics are not properly functioning. The best way to tell if your joint mechanics are correct is to visit a Core certified chiropractor and let him examine you for proper joint stability and biomechanics of the spine. Then a CORE exercise physiologist, in conjunction with your doctor, will develop a customized rehab protocol that will foster appropriate joint alignment and muscle stabilization.

Have a great Summer!


Comments, questions, suggestions…please feel free to contact us directly at any time.
We are here for you.

Dr. Stephen Ward
Dr. Michael Schnappauf

Tel: 972.393.8067
Fax: 972.393.6959